
All Feng Shui -  What You Need To Know


What is Feng Shui?

It sounds like the latest Oriental dish, but feng shui is actually a method of organization and design that brings harmony and peace to your home or office. Read on to learn exactly what these two words mean and how you can benefit from them. 

Feng Shui is a spiritual system that began in ancient China about 3,000 years ago. There are many complex notions that go into feng shui but a simple paring down of the philosophy has become popular in the Western hemisphere today. Basically, feng shui revolves around the “chi” or energy that surrounds all life. 

The words feng shui literally mean “wind water.” Both concepts are associated with prosperity and good health in the Chinese lifestyle. To have good energy flowing through your home, use the basics of feng shui. 

Basics of Feng Shui 

In a given living space, each room has its own energy. The energy has to be allowed to flow freely throughout the items within the room to create a total atmosphere of positive things. Who knew that a bathroom had energy? It certainly has a lot of other things, but feng shui teaches us that even a bathroom can bring calm feelings to each family member. 

Getting Started – Lopan and Bagua 

Practitioners of feng shui use a couple of basic tools to get started. The first tool is the compass. A compass in the woods lets you know which way is up and guides you in the right direction. The same goes for the feng shui compass also called lopan. The compass gives the practitioner a deeper sense of the energy in the home and what needs to be where in order to allow the energy to flow without restraint. 

Each of the areas of your home has a different feng shui need. The compass helps to define what colors and feng shui elements need to be represented within each room. It also takes into account which element governs the lives of each person in the house. 

The compass looks similar to a compass you would use while hiking. There is a compass needle in the center. The compass itself consists of several concentric circles that guide the practitioner to give you a layout of what your home needs in order to be whole again. 

The other tool is the bagua. It is the energy map of the house. Using a blueprint drawing of your home, you can map out the eight areas of the energy map: South, Southeast, North, Northwest, East, Northeast, West and Southwest. Each section of the home has a governing element, color and purpose in your life. 

Use the compass to properly divide your home into the eight sections creating your energy map. Knowing what portion of the home is in what area dictates the way you will organize it. 

Feng shui theory says that you can affect the energy around you simply by creating a space that is favorable to your life. This involves knowing the five feng shui elements, feng shui colors and how the energy moves throughout each room in your home. 

The Five Elements Of Feng Shui

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy for creating positive energy in any space. The system is dominated by eight areas of each space and five elements. Here, you will learn about the five elements that define feng shui and give rise to the colors and organization of your space to create an atmosphere of prosperity and health.

The Five Elements

There are five main elements in feng shui theory. They are wood, fire, water, earth and metal. Each element plays a crucial role within the space that you occupy, whether it is your home or your office. After you have used a compass and your home’s floor plan to create the bagua (energy map) the next step is to look at the elements that control each of the eight areas. 

Each element has a particular life area that it influences. Knowing what areas those are helps with creating the design of your home and the use of furniture and accents that demonstrate that specific element. 

Fire – As you can imagine, anything that has to do with fire inspires a passion that burns deep within. The fire element also adds a high amount of energy to anything that you do. This includes your work (career), your leisure activities and for couples, your sex life. 

Water - Water is a refreshing element. Water flows freely bring with it an abundance of good fortune. In ancient rituals of many cultures, water was used as a purifying agent. Using the water element in your home adds purity, abundance of energy and a fresh feeling.  

Earth – Have you ever heard of someone who is “down to Earth?” The Earth element brings a feeling of stability and security to your home. Mother Earth nurtures all who live on it and within it. The same goes for the earth element in your home – it nourishes each family member. 

Metal – You may be wondering why metal is an element. It seems so hard and impersonal. Actually, metal is used to represent efficiency and clarity of mind and purpose. Your work will have both a well-defined purpose and good qualities when the metal element is present. 

Wood – Think of trees. They provide oxygen for all living creatures that need it. The wood element equals health to the body. Healing cures using feng shui include the wood element in their composition. Prosperity in your home is also governed by the wood element. 

Each feng shui element serves a different purpose in the home. The associated colors and areas that work best with each element help you to build positive energy throughout your home. Each area will be strong in a particular element and give you a certain feeling when you enter that room..

Feng Shui Permeates Our Western Culture

There is an expression in Western culture: "ground-breaking." 

It refers to something new and momentous, important, and capable of changing the way we think, act, respond, or create in the future.  A "ground breaking" discovery in science can show the way to a miraculous cure of a noxious disease and forever our society. A "ground breaking" musical performance or artistic achievement can lead the way for variations on a fresh trend or open doors for like-minded folks who needed such a catalyst or leader to precede them. 

In a more literal sense, we still employ the words "ground breaking" to refer to the start of a construction project. The moment we "break ground" is the moment the initial shovel of dirt is moved from the earth. So, how did the literal act of moving dirt take on the metaphorical connotation of important change? This is in fact a major feng shui concept at its essence. 

Both primitive and evolved cultures have historically tracked the seasons and the climate, produced calendars, established farming schedules according to the cycles of the moon and we have basically looked to nature for the timing of many significant activities and rites of passage. 

The power of the earth, combined with the timing of nature is understood naturally by folks of all backgrounds. Buildings are an extension of the earth and literally made of earthen materials, such as granite and concrete. We have made our homes in caves and we have built tall virtual mountains called "skyscrapers." 

Even the biblical adage "from dust to dust" reminds folks of our connection with the earth. When the rays of sun strike the ground (or the solid foundation of a house being built), it establishes a connection between earth and sky (heaven.) 

Feng Shui practitioners like to quote Sir Winston Churchill, who alleged, "We shape our buildings and then they shape us." The timing of when we change or move the earth can have an lasting affect on the population who inhabit that area or that structure for many years to come. This is why so many people refer to the Chinese Almanac and feng shui calculations on behalf of the finest time to commence a construction as well as when to specifically prevent the start of a construction. 

Like other accepted expressions, such as "going with the flow" or "setting the tone," the Term "ground-breaking" have their origin steeped in metaphysical awareness. This time, 2009, the information of northeast and southwest are both tugging at each other and are considered uncertain directions for building or remodeling.  

Some folks are building new houses this year which are sitting in the northeast or southwest. (The saying "sitting" means the back of the building.) Since the back of the building is the "spine" and partly the essence of the building. They may be advised to proceed carefully and they have even gotten into the details of what months and days are better than others to commence the project.

Feng Shui and "Good Luck"


Used correctly, Feng Shui can help you alter the intensity and the degree of ups and downs you experience in life, making it easier to keep up a positive mind-set and make sound choices.

In Asian countries, it is understood that there are
three types of good luck and the correct use of feng shui can help attract them to you. Each of them affects one-third of your life; collectively they have power over your fortunes. These three forms of luck are: Heaven Luck, Man Luck, and  Earth Luck.

All About Heaven Luck:
This is the luck we are born with. It can be described as fate (or karma) and it is determined at birth. The family into which we are born, our place of birth, our natural character and our destiny are all given to us by Heaven's will. We cannot pick our parents or exchange our families. Our destiny marks out our Possibilities -- and luck is the process to realizing our possibilities. Luck is an hidden force that can seem to render someone's life challenging at each junction or amazingly stress-free. We've all recognized those who seem to have the "Midas touch" where everything they execute turns into "lucky" accidents that show the way to achievement. This Heaven Luck -- good, bad, or so-so -- is often considered to be karma, reflecting dealings we've performed in the past - either earlier in this life or possibly even before at that. Heaven's good luck is connected to our destiny or fate, it is believed to be a part of our good luck that can be outside our control.

Why You Need Man Luck:
This is the luck we realize through our persistant work, education, perseverance, character, virtues and beneficial deeds. We have tremendous influence over the quality of our Man Luck - and therefore our lives - through our feelings, language and dealings. By making helpful choices, persistently gaining wisdom, and maintaining a optimistic mental attitude, we can fill our life with the "good" energy that attracts good luck and accomplishment. Our character and intelligence not only affect the near-term achievement of our endeavors, but moreover ultimately shape our destiny. In essence, we are continuously creating our future and fortunes with the choices we take now.

Attract Earth Luck:
This is the good luck we "absorb" through our surroundings. Unseen energies are understood to exist in our background. Some of these energies are either beneficial, enhancing our success and wellbeing, or destructive, creating obstacles and bringing about misfortune. Thus, wherever we live and work has a strong influence on the opportunities and luck that come our way. Through Feng Shui, we can essentially benefit from the energies in our environment to help us succeed in our activities. By understanding how these energies work together with us, we can consciously and intelligently adjust our surroundings to bolster our good luck and defend ourselves from misfortune.

Take Absolute Control of Your Destiny!
You can maintain a great deal of control over both Man Luck and Earth Luck. Earth Luck is the easiest to transform by manipulating environmental influences to pull towards you good opportunities. Improving Man Luck requires individual discipline and can be harder to replace.  Feng Shui can - by modifying your surroundings, transform periods of bad luck so that misfortunes are minimized while good luck is magnified so it has the power to bring you Life changing success. 

Take action; learn how to put the power of feng shui to use in your life and you'll be amazed at the outcome!

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